Bernadette Somers is an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Channel, Multidimensional Healer, Holistic Practitioner, Author, Physiotherapist and Singer/Songwriter.
She is the founder of Perfect Balance Wellness, a fully integrated, spiritual and holistic model of treating the mind, body and spirit to facilitate balance and wholeness.
Bernadette navigated her own spiritual awakening without the support of a person to guide her through each stage of the journey. She is therefore committed to applying all that she has learnt on her own spiritual path to walk alongside clients as they expand their conscious awareness and align with their soul. She is passionate about helping others to navigate their own spiritual journey feeling educated, supported and understood.
She wrote Yolk as a guide to help readers on their spiritual path, and Beat to facilitate connection and vibrational alignment through sound and music.
Bernadette has a unique way of channelling spiritual guidance. She has worked as a medium over many years to connect clients to the messages of departed loved ones through her gift of clairaudience. She pairs channeled guidance with sound meditation and other healing modalities to assist her clients back into balance.
Bernadette is the author of YOLK – A guide to connection in this life and beyond. Yolk is a book designed to help you connect within in order to live a fully expressed life.
The book is based on a metaphor that the best sum of our parts, our essence or Yolk, is found within, beneath our shell. This book guides us step by step on how to learn to love ourselves, brave vulnerability and cultivate more happiness and balance in our busy lives. It teaches us how to tap into what is within, how to show up for ourselves and how to stretch in order to grow.
This book contains stories of love after death and evidence of the afterlife, illustrating that the Yolks of our departed loved ones live on to guide us.
Beat: How to hear the music of your heart
is a harmonious blend of Bernadette Somers two greatest loves: singing and writing.
Drawing on the correlation between the beat of the music and the beat of the heart, Beat illustrates how music, sound and song are a direct conduit to the love and light found within.
The book’s chapters are titled after famous songs that have deeply touched the author’s life and framed their most synchronistic experiences. Beat offers insights into love, birth, loss, depression, heartache and death, all of which are delicately woven with Bernadette’s original lyrics and personal stories of departed loved ones sending signs through song.
The magic and individuality of Beat lies in its paired soundtrack of recorded, channelled songs sung by the author. This immersive book highlights how the use of music and lyrics can serve as a communication channel from a higher realm, assisting the reader as they navigate through life.
lBernadette sees clients privately (in person or via FaceTime ) for mediumship and intuitive counselling. Bernadette draws on her skills as an intuitive and a medium to help her clients understand the bigger picture playing out in their lives for their personal growth and evolution. She draws on her knowledge of the mind, body, soul and integrates this with channeled guidance to guide her clients.
Bernadette sees clients privately in person or via FaceTime for holistic healing. The sessions are designed to help clients restore balance of mind, body and spirit. Bernadette draws on her intuitive skills and utilises many healing tools such as movement, breath work, chakra release and energetic work to clear energy blocks and restore alignment.